NPBC Worship Service Growth Questionnaire What is your gender? Male Female What is your age? <25 years old 25-35 years old 46-45 years old 46-55 years old 56-65 years old 66-75 years old >76 years old How long have you been a member of this church? <1 year 1-10 years 11-20 years >20 years I am not a member Do you have children at home? Yes No If yes, list the number of children you have in each age group. Birth-K 1-5 grade 6-8 grade 9-12 grade College Which Sunday services do you regularly attend? Please select all that Sunday morning 9:00 AM Sunday morning 11:15 AM Sunday night 6:00 PM If you started attending New Prospect Baptist Church in the last 10 years, what lead you to attending a service? A friend or family member Post or ads on social media A special event or program I saw the building and was curious Other If Other: Why did you choose to join/attend this church? Select all that apply: It is welcoming Liked the activities of the church Excellent facilities Liked the pastor and/or staff Common interests with members Worship style This was/is my family’s church Beliefs and teachings Please answer the questions below according to the service(s) that you regularly attend. If you regularly attend both services, please answer the questions for both sections. 9:00 AM service: What is the main reason you attend this service? Time of Service Music Style Atmosphere Friends/Family Would you attend this service if it was at a different time? Yes No If Yes- What time frame would you be most likely to attend? Earlier than 9:00 AM Later than 9:00 AM Sunday evening 11:15 AM Service: What is the main reason you attend this service? Time of Service Music Style Atmosphere Friends/Family Would you attend this service if it was in a different location on campus? Yes No Would you attend this service if it was at a different time? Yes No If Yes- What time frame would you be most likely to attend? Earlier than 11:15 AM Later than 11:15 AM Sunday evening Thank you!